This adorable little made of chocolate!
Yep, that's right peeps... you're supposed to bite his little head off and chow down... awww personally I don't think I could but what do you guy's think???
Originally posted in Dolls More Dolls on Multiply - 17th May 2009 10:12 AM
oh!!! I want one, not to eat of course, is he like a reborn frozen charlotte, need to keep him in the fridge, so that he dosn't melt?
Ah bless, I couldn't eat him!!!! No way. Where did you see him Herbs, on ebay, Angie
lorainehelen wrote on May 17, '09
cute doll but i dont like the idea of eating him...
lilacmermaid wrote on May 17, '09, edited on May 17, '09
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hes way too cute, must have been a good artist to do this, it reminds of the saying, "hes so cute i could eat him" LOL
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hes way too cute, must have been a good artist to do this, it reminds of the saying, "hes so cute i could eat him" LOL
I felt bad enough watching tony at the museum taking tiny tears eyes out with a brush pole lol. Dont think I could bring myself to bite into a chocolate baby.
I can not be trusted with chocolate ..I eat it untill its all gone I would not be able to sleep with chocolate in the house ..Sorry I would gobble him all up and cry later. Jules
oohhh lol you rotter
what would you call him, munchkid, sorry munchkin!!!!!!!!!
chocababy lol
lol I had a feeling that'd get you all talking!!
Angie I found it after I had a funny turn on google and typed in "weird dolls"!! I have no idea where to get them tho' as for me munching on him...not a chance being vegan means I don't eat anything with a face lol I love your comment Jules it cracked me up!!
Hey John...if you do get one...take pic's of him every day as he starts to turn green and get a fur coat lol
Btw Jules...did u notice his boy bits? lol
Ahhhhhhhhhh How could anyone eat him ! I love chocolate but i know i would never recover if i ate him he looks so sweet,yummmmmmmmmmmm,
Only kidding! he would be safe with me and grow his fur coat in peace lol
No I did not notice his boy bits but I prefer a boy as you would get more chocolate LOL :)
Oooo you're so so bad...I've gone red lol
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